General Overview

The thing I love about Information Technology can also be the most frustrating - CONSTANT CHANGE. Just when you think you've seen it all, something new comes along and it's time to hit the books and fire up the test lab again. There's always another certification ... another new technology ... another new innovation that promises to be the "silver bullet". Keeping up with the changes can be very difficult and challenging but also offers great rewards - personal growth, career advancement, peer respect and a job done well. Change in IT keeps the job fresh and interesting and each new experience seems to validate the experiences that came before. I started my interest in computers when I was 12 by writing my first computer program in BASIC on a Commodore 64. Throughout high school, computers fascinated me and eventually this curiosity became the passion that led me to pursue an IT career. I did not go straight to college from high school, however, and I was 28 before I attained an Associate's degree in Computer Programming and Network Administration. By age 35, I gained a Bachelor's degree in Management Information Systems. Shortly thereafter, I attended Auburn University to receive MBA and MSIS degrees, allowing me to move into the next phase of my career in Executive Leadership - focusing on business outcomes and solutions that are synergistically aligned with IT.

Skills Summary

Over my career, I have been blessed to be a part of numerous IT projects that have pushed me beyond my limits and into new areas. The primary focus of my career has been in application engineering involving computer programming in Java, C/C++, C#, VB, PHP, ABAP, Progress and various scripting and markup languages on Microsoft Windows, Red Hat Linux, Sun Solaris, SAP, VMware, Citrix, IBM AIX and HP-UX. I also have experience working with various storage array and server platforms from Dell, HP, IBM, NetApp and LeftHand Networks. Virtualization is not just a buzzword anymore and the experience I have with VMware, HP-UX, Oracle, Red Hat and Citrix has aided me greatly in designing cloud solutions. From disaster recovery and business continuity solutions to cloud based workload management and load balancing, the cloud is really hitting its stride right now. There has never been a better time to be in Information Technology and I am excited to see what the next 20 years will bring.


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